LL – Lead Line Core
Key features
- For use in environments where radiation is present
- Expanded polystyrene core with 98% pure lead sheet available in two different thicknesses:
- 1/16″
- 1/8″ (16-, 14- and 12-gauge door only)
- Door thickness from 1 3/4″ up to 2 1/4″
- Edge seam options:
- Lock seam (PA) 18- or 16-gauge
- Lock seam and putty filled (PAF) 18- or 16-gauge
- Continuously welded seamless edge (CW) 18-, 16-, 14- and 12-gauge
Complies with:
- ASTM B29: Standard specification for Refined Lead
- Federal Specification QQ-L-201 “C” Category
- CSA HP2 type 2 lead
- A40 galvannealed material
- 16-gauge flush and welded top and bottom cap
- Hanging: we strongly recommend to use the pivot set.
- Closer: Available in 16-gauge, 14-gauge, 12-gauge
- Locks: 12-gauge
NOTE: DE LA FONTAINE Industries will not determine the necessary lead thickness.